Artists from West Exposition

Laden Evenementen

Join us for an evening of artistic celebration featuring talented artists from the West Exposition neighborhood!

We’re excited to refresh our café with vibrant new artwork sourced directly from our community. Save the date for Thursday, June 27th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, as we kick off the inaugural edition of our quarterly art exhibition, highlighting local artists and their creations.

What can you look forward to?

Exhibition Opening: We’ll begin with a captivating showcase by two local artists (details below), offering insights into their creative process and the inspiration behind their pieces. Don’t miss the opportunity to show your support by purchasing their artwork.
Refreshments: No gathering is complete without refreshments! Our bar and kitchen will be open throughout the exhibition for you to enjoy drinks and bites while exploring the artwork on display.

Who are the artists?


Anastasia is a scientist who serendipitouslty discovered the healing power of art as she navigated the challenges of hearing loss and depression during her PhD in 2021. In essence, her journey echoes Thoreay’s timeless wisdom; ‘Not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves.’ Anastasia channels her creativity into abstract art, employing layers of acylic paint that mirror her meditative and intuitive creative process. What began as a creative form of self-therapy organically evolved into a inspring journey of self discovery. Over the past year, Anastasia courageously shared her artistic creations through exhibitions – a testament to the transformative power of art and a reminder that the path to profound self-discovery often winds through the landscapes of losing oneself.

Elham, Miriam El Maghraby 

I am Miriam, a self-proclaimed acrylic abstract artist based in the fabulous city of Amsterdam. My style is a unique blend of vibrant colors, bold textures, and lots of happy accidents. Each stroke of my brush is an exciting rollercoaster ride, never knowing where it will take me. I believe in embracing imperfections, because let’s face it, life is just one big, beautiful mess. My paintings are a reflection of this mentality. So join me on my curious journey through the world of imperfection.


If you enjoy creativity, art and supporting the local community you will for sure have a good time this evening! Hope to see you there 🙂

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