Nad’s Flavors | Working Day

The Villy Terraced Tower Boomjes 60, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland

Enjoy your flavorfull working day at The Villy

Lotgenotenbijeenkomst Rotterdam

The Villy Terraced Tower Boomjes 60, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland

Lotgenotenbijeenkomst Rotterdam PDS Op zaterdag 9 december organiseren we de Lees meer

Zakenmama Co-work dag

The Villy Terraced Tower Boomjes 60, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland

Co-work meets parenthood


Christmas Cranberry Brunch

The Villy Terraced Tower Boomjes 60, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland

Turkey and Cranberry sandwich with a piece of homemade Christmas bread


The Villy Works Photoshoot

The Villy Terraced Tower Boomjes 60, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland

At The Villy Works, we are thrilled to invite you Lees meer

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